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Joined: 03 Jul 2008
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Quote ElvisCollector Replybullet Topic: Elvis Fans Worldwide Christmas 2008
    Posted: 18 Dec 2008 at 8:35pm
I wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS, Happy New Year, and God bless to all the Elvis Fans Worldwide - - and to all the children around the World.
It has been thirty one (31) years since I last met with Elvis and somedays it seems like yesterday...and on other days it seems eternity. Even though he was in very bad health, had just gotten into a shouting match on the phone with the Colonel, and was being told that he should be hospitalized he took the time to speak to me for a few moments. He ALWAYS had a way of "putting on a smile" even though it was clear that most people would be "curled up in a ball crying" and yet he would be going onstage in less than 2 his all.
Elvis was a REMARKABLE man, the best Entertainer who ever lived, and he loved/respected/appreciated/admired his fans. He never understood, and always questioned, "why him"? Why had God blessed him? Whatever the reason(s) were I am forever thankful to have known him, broken bread with him, and shared some time over a ten (10) year period.
During this Holiday Season, and throughout, we wish you all nothing but the best with happiness and good health abound.
God bless and take care.
Jeff (Dedicated Elvis Presley Website) (Ebay Store for Elvis Memorabilia/Collectibles)
Elvis photos, Elvis memorabilia, Elvis rare items, by Jeffrey Schrembs
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