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Quote ElvisCollector Replybullet Topic: Elvis Last Days by Jeff Schrembs
    Posted: 23 Feb 2009 at 7:31am
August of 1977 was a very hectic, and trying, month for Elvis.
His health had deteriorated. He was involved with Ginger Alden and there was "mixed feelings". Elvis What Happened was being covered by the news 24/7. Lisa Marie was visiting. Monetary concerns were apparent which worried Vernon greatly. There was an investigation concerning the purchase of an airplane (FBI case files confirm).
Also, Elvis had lived his life saying from the time he was a young child - and then confirming such after her passing - that "he would never outlive the age of his Mother when she passed".
Gladys had passed away in mid August during Elvis' time in the Army. Elvis always believed that at the time she passed away that she was "42 years old". However, Gladys was really 46 years old and Elvis never knew that she was - in fact - 4 years older.
In August of 1977 Elvis was the same age, going into the same month of her passing (8/14/1958), that Gladys was when she passed. August 14, 1977 was the "anniversary" of her passing and it weighed HEAVILY on Elvis.
Elvis had a STRONG spiritual soul and he devoured books about Religion and he believed in "signs". During his own birth the story goes what as Jessie Garron was being delivered that a medicine bottle had (mysteriously) "broken" putting a "chill" in the air. Jesse Garron was dead...still born.
A few minutes later the attending Doctor washed up and was going to leave when Gladys told him that "there was another baby" and sure enough...there was.
There were MANY "signs" that affected Elvis during 1977 and it seemed like things were "falling apart". He complained about his arms/limbs being "numb" and a "feeling in his body" like something was...wrong. His eating/sleep patterns were getting worse and he was depending more and more on Charlie Hodge during the last Concert Tour for help on songs...and the pace.
Elvis always kept the Physicans Desk Reference with him and he, they said, could tell you the chemical make up of every known pill in use. The side effects and the purposes.
Like most things that Elvis took "serious" he went after it...with a passion until he "knew it" like the back of his own hand.
During the 24 hours preceeding his death Elvis requested, and received, SPECIFIC medications from his Doctor and by his Dentist. Anyone reviewing these (2) two medications will tell you that (a) they should not be taken together and (b) combined with what Elvis was already taking...was "concerning" to say the least.
Lisa Marie was to leave on August 16, 1977 to return to Priscilla in California. For whatever reason(s) Elvis, who usually would check on Lisa around midnight, opted to come into her room around 3am. Elvis saw that Lisa was still "awake" and he told her to "get some sleep" (paraphrasing).
Elvis opted to go into his bathroom, which Elvis often went into to read so that he would not "cause discomfort" for his wife/dates/etc. as Elvis could not sleep at night and had TERRIBLE insominia, to spend some time reading. Elvis kept many books, in his bathroom, and he used his bathroom as...and escape so that his (again terrible insominia) was him.
Today people don't understand WHY Elvis did what he did. They say "why didn't he just watch TV"? Well, in 1977 there were (on average) a TOTAL of (5) five TV stations. Most stations went OFF THE AIR around midnight. There was no Internet, TV, Cable, etc. In some ways it was "better then" as it made for ample opportinuites to read.
Elvis had been given a copy of a UNIQUE book entitled "The Minstrel" which was written about Elvis. In 1977 there were (approximately) a few hundred of these books and they sold for A THOUSAND DOLLARS each! The book came complete with a Peacock Feather (a symbol that Elvis cherished).
Another book that ELvis cherished, and had with him at the time of his passing, was "The Prophet". This book had been given to him, originally, by his girlfriend June Juanico. Elvis LOVED this book and always had a copy with him.
Lastly, Elvis GrandMother (Minnie Mae who was divorced from Jesse Pressley) lived with Elvis at Graceland. She recalled that "during August 1977 there was an odd sense about Elvis" and..."she worried".
A few weeks earlier Elvis had called Priscilla, has he had been doing for years now (their divorce was finalized on October 9, 1973), and he had kept her on the phone...for hours. One of the things that he remindered her about is the (note: this is VERY UNCOMMON) "promise" that they had made to each other about a possible future...together.
Priscilla noted that during this conversation she hung up feeling even more concerned about Elvis as she had prior to the call.
None of us will ever know exactly what went through Elvis' mind when he went into the bathroom to read. We do know that (sadly) Elvis' heart was 1 1/2 times the size and it was "abnormal". Also, there have been rumors (some confirmed by a Doctor) that Elvis had been diagnosed with "bone cancer". However, Elvis had used physcial ailments many times in the past (even in the Army) so this could have been a "boy who cried Wolf" syndrome...or not.
What we do know is that God took Elvis away from this Earth on August 16, 1977.
I remember the long drive to Graceland that afternoon and staying for a few days. Each hour brought more and more Fans and food and water were "sparse" but no one focused on the food/water, or lack of, but SOLELY on Elvis.
Seeing Elvis, and the casket, was something that I...
Seeing little Lisa Marie in her dress, and socks up to her knees, holding Priscillas hand (Priscilla was wearing a garmet that had a hood on it and she would pull it over her face outside) was something that I....
We were there because we had lost someone who...shared their time/soul/heart...with.
Not a minute of a day has gone by when I don't think of...and miss Elvis. Not just for what he did onstage...but offstage. For the friends, of quality, that he had and loved him dearly. For the love he shared with his family and the "glow" that was evident when her name/face/etc. was even mentioned...Lisa Marie.
In future posts I will try to share more including the plans that Priscilla and Elvis had for another child...including the name they picked out.
During the interim let me know what you think.
Take care and God bless.
Jeffrey Schrembs, Elvis Presley Expert and Collector
ElvisCollectorWorldwide (an EBay Store)

Elvis photos, Elvis memorabilia, Elvis rare items, by Jeffrey Schrembs
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Quote ricobpro Replybullet Posted: 25 Feb 2009 at 6:16am
Hello Jefrrey, a more comprehensive version of Elvis last day on earth.Thanks for sharing.
There is power in quality than quantity
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Quote ElvisCollector Replybullet Posted: 25 Feb 2009 at 7:25am


Since Jeff is undergoing a medical procedure we released his "summary" on

The final "Elvis last days" is forthcoming pending his "proofs".

THANKS for being an Elvis Fan!
Elvis photos, Elvis memorabilia, Elvis rare items, by Jeffrey Schrembs
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