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ElvisFind returned 63 websites for Biography. Now displaying sites 41 to 50.
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Elvis Kids
Brazilian Elvis Presley Web Site, for ladies and gentleman and kids!
ElvisFind Score: 4.8 (5) | Language: Portuguese
The Original TigerMan
An 8 page site chronology of Elvis' life. Mostly based on the 1970's with pictures.
ElvisFind Score: 4.7 (3) | Language: English
Elvis Presley News
Elvis Presley News: offers 100's of facts on 'the King.' Interviews with family and members of the infamous Memphis Mafia. How to buy or sell your precious Elvis item at eBay? Plus, the latest news from around the world on the Elvis Empire & EPE Inc. toda...
ElvisFind Score: 4.4 (7) | Language: English | Online Since: April 1, 2001
Elvis Sighting Bulletin Board
Keep up on Elvis' whereabouts by checking out the Sighting Log. If you have seen Elvis, post it then send eCards, pick up a Poster and some Memorabilia while you are here.
ElvisFind Score: 1 (1) | Language: English | Online Since: 1995
By God Elvis And Me
If I'd Only Bought The Roses! by Terry King and Elvis Aaron Presley, autobio of Memphis songster Terry King. A must read for all fans of the king!
Language: English
Elvis - Der Club is the official Elvis fan club Germany. It is registered with EPE. We're proud to be an Elvis fan club from fans for fans! Keep the memory alive! The EDC Team
Language: German | Online Since: 2006-11-12
Elvis ~ A Lighted Candle
A website on the mysticism and spirituality of Elvis Presley. Rare Elvis quotes, rememberances by his friends and beautiful Elvis art & collages.
Language: English | Online Since: 1999
Elvis Club Sinzig Homepage
Alles uber Elvis und Eifel-Elvis 'Jack-Favor'
Language: German | Online Since: June 2004
Elvis Collector Info
Elvis Presley Collector since 1970. Over 10,000 photographs. Home of the private Elvis Presley Collection of Jeff Schrembs (USA)
Language: English | Online Since: 1970
Elvis in Deutschland
Elvis Zeit in Deutschland Oktober 1958 1959 -1960 Elvis in Paris Elvis und Karate, Elvis Autos in D. G.I.Blues
Language: German
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