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ElvisFind returned 33 websites for CD covers. Now displaying sites 11 to 20.
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Search results:
ElvisFind Score: 6.3 (9) | Language: English | Online Since: 26/7/05 | Rating: (2)
Elvis at the Garden
Elvis rocked the garden in 1972. This page gives you press releases, videos and mp3 files concering this event.
ElvisFind Score: 5.5 (2) | Language: English | Online Since: June 24, 2003 | Rating: (1)
My Collection of 1700 + Elvis Bootlegs
A listing of almost every single Elvis Presley Import cd with reviews of sound quality on every concert, and show reviews and information available on a lot of shows. A lot of information on Elvis''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
ElvisFind Score: 6.8 (175) | Language: English | Online Since: 05/13/05 | Rating: (7)
Elvis Rocks
full concerts, a lot of multimedia stuff (audio & video), photo gallery, alternate covers dvd and audio and more... ENJOY !!!
ElvisFind Score: 6.4 (17) | Language: English | Online Since: February 1, 2005 | Rating: (4)
share your elvis and chat about things
ElvisFind Score: 6.1 (6) | Language: English | Online Since: 18/7/05 | Rating: (1)
steve's place
all cd's, belgium magazien's and many more
ElvisFind Score: 5.1 (4) | Language: Dutch | Online Since: 2001 | Rating: (1)
Tributo al Rey
Esperamos que esta pagina sirva para dar a conocer mas sobre el Rey.
Language: Spanish | Rating: (1)
Various pictures of our Hero, jumpsuits, covers, army, etc etc
ElvisFind Score: 6.8 (6) | Language: English | Online Since: June 20, 2007
Elvis Presley Rare CD Collection
Collection of rare Elvis CDs. Buy, sell and trade.
ElvisFind Score: 6.5 (2) | Language: English | Online Since: 2007
Elvis Presley Records in Japan
A site focussing purely on Elvis records released in Japan between 1955-1978, how the records were packaged and how they differ from regular US releases. It also has information on how to read Elvis' name in Japanese, translations of Japanese titles of El...
ElvisFind Score: 6 (2) | Language: English | Online Since: August 2005
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