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ElvisFind returned 33 websites for CD covers. Now displaying sites 1 to 10.
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Elvis Presley CD Info - RCA - BMG - FTD
On these sites you can find all kind of information about CD's from Elvis Presley.
ElvisFind Score: 7.4 (245) | Language: English | Online Since: 2002-08-01 | Rating: (14)
Robs Elvis Presley Pages
This site contains detailed information about the material "The King" Elvis presley has made. Information about CD's, DVD's, Lyrics, Concerts, Vynil, Visual, Recording Sessions etc.
ElvisFind Score: 7.2 (186) | Language: English | Online Since: June 2003 | Rating: (10)
great alternate artwork for elvis cd''''s plus cd information. Includes avatars and elvis designs
ElvisFind Score: 7 (66) | Language: English | Online Since: February 2004 | Rating: (5)
Where Elvisfans meet
ElvisFind Score: 7 (79) | Language: English | Online Since: February 2004 | Rating: (2)
The Legend
This is a new greate site, i have many hard to find bootleg covers and pictures from Keith Alverson, Leen Leach and Georg Hill that is very rare, and a messageboard that only getting bigger and bigger every day, cd review`s by a younster from Malta :-)
ElvisFind Score: 6.8 (42) | Language: English | Online Since: May 2003 | Rating: (2)
Various pictures of our Hero, jumpsuits, covers, army, etc etc
ElvisFind Score: 6.8 (6) | Language: English | Online Since: June 20, 2007
My Collection of 1700 + Elvis Bootlegs
A listing of almost every single Elvis Presley Import cd with reviews of sound quality on every concert, and show reviews and information available on a lot of shows. A lot of information on Elvis''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
ElvisFind Score: 6.8 (175) | Language: English | Online Since: 05/13/05 | Rating: (7)
Beckys Wonderful World Of Elvis
I have lots of photos on here, some of my Elvis collection which includes CDs and CD covers. I also plan on adding DVDs. I also have some interesting Elvis facts.
ElvisFind Score: 6.6 (31) | Language: English | Online Since: April 1998 | Rating: (2)
Elvis Presley Rare CD Collection
Collection of rare Elvis CDs. Buy, sell and trade.
ElvisFind Score: 6.5 (2) | Language: English | Online Since: 2007
Elvis Rocks
full concerts, a lot of multimedia stuff (audio & video), photo gallery, alternate covers dvd and audio and more... ENJOY !!!
ElvisFind Score: 6.4 (17) | Language: English | Online Since: February 1, 2005 | Rating: (4)
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